An extremely effective way of interacting with your customers is to tell YOUR story.
What does it really mean to the customers that your business is multigenerational? A product knowledge that comes from the beginnings of the company. A proven standard of quality and service. A commitment to the future of the company as it goes through the family.
A great way to share this story is to interview members of the family and letting them share their story. This might be great granddad who’s very happily retired right up to the newest members who have just finished their education and are going straight into the business.
Old photos and videos will make a great addition and help bring your businesses story to life.
When your customers hear why you love what you do and why a continuation through your family is so important to you, a bond will be created that is so important in retaining your customers interest in your business.
Tasman Bay Media can help you bring your story to life with an amazing company history video, get in contact with Kate today on 027 22 67 118.
That’s all for now, check out more hot tips on the Tasman Bay Media blog.