Nelson Lates Hops is located at Mt. Ella and has one of the most spectacular spots for growing hops in the country. This month we look at the range of S.O.P. videos we have been creating for them.
BRIEF: To create a range of Safe Operating Procedure (S.O.P.) videos.
PRODUCTION: These S.O.P. videos dive deep into individual job roles. They only need to be watched by the person performing that role.
As with all S.O.P. videos, the key is to give clear and concise instruction on how to go about the job in a safe manner.
In all S.O.P. video we utilize voiceover instructions, on screen text and graphics, plus visuals filmed onsite.
These onsite visuals are incredibly important as the employee gets to see how they should be performing their role safely. By showing the real environment they will be in gives the viewer a clear understanding of the situation they will be working in. If the footage was filmed on a different site, in a different business, then it would be harder for the employee to relate that to the job they will be doing.
The range of individual video topics produced for Nelson Lakes Hops includes: driving roles, planting, shed operations and lots more.
Any health and safety video is about reducing the risks of injury and returning all the workers home safely at the end of every day. Achieving this is the main reason we put so much effort into producing these types of videos. The video production we are hired to make for promoting a business is great, but helping workers to stay safe is something we have a passion for.
As these videos are for internal use only, we don’t share them on social media, however we do have a Health And Safety showreel which you can find on our website.