You wont believe me, but you’ll have hidden talent sat just feet away from you right now.
I’ve worked with locksmiths, accountants, administrators and everyone in-between and the one thing I’ve found is you’ll be surprised at the diversity and experience of those you work with. In some of the most unexpected companies you’ll find people who’ve previously been movie extras, actors, band members and performers in armature dramatics. And the best thing, they’ll jump at the chance to be on camera. Ask around, you’ll be surprised what you find.
Casting for your advertising is very important and can make a promo heartfelt and ‘real’. If you’re using your staff in the video approach them individually and tell them what attributes they have which mean you’d love them to be in your video. The promotion of your business is extremely important and if they know that you believe that they would be a great ‘face’ of the company then they’ll be more likely to be happy to be involved. Also, just mention that the production company will make it a really fun and enjoyable experience and something to look back fondly upon.
TASMAN BAY MEDIA will discuss with you they types of personality best suited for your video productions and give you a little hand persuading those who’ll be on camera how easy and fun it’ll be, drop Kate a line on 027 22 67 118 today.
That’s all for now, check out more hot tips on the Tasman Bay Media blog.