“I stopped that video after about two seconds, it was just boring”. That’s not what you want to hear when you’ve put time and effort into producing a video, but it will happen if you don’t create something amazing and engaging. And that’s where Tasman Bay Media can help!
Your old staff will have heard it all before and your new staff will be overwhelmed, that’s why an internal video must grab the attention of the viewer and keep it for the duration of the video. Keeping that attention will help put across the information which you want to give. The more interesting the way you deliver the message, the easier it will be for the audience to take in.
Most people decide if they are going to continue watching a video in the first few seconds (and most decide WAY before the ’Skip Ads’ button appears on YouTube, it only takes four seconds to come on but if the video’s boring it feels like an eternity). Really it’s no different to someone deciding if they’ll read a book after seeing the cover.
There’s even a trend in movie trailers to show a few seconds of the best action before the actual trailer starts, just so that the viewer is engaged instantly (rather than having to wade through the main trailers slow build up). And this is no different to any promotional video. You’ll need to excite the viewer with your amazing product or striking video concept right up front to keep them interested in watching the whole video.
TASMAN BAY MEDIA can sit down with you to help you decide what video concept will draw your audience in and keep them glued to the screen, call Kate today on 027 22 67 118.
That’s all for now, check out more hot tips on the Tasman Bay Media blog.