Here’s a little early Christmas present from Tasman Bay Media. This is a big one. How do you get your videos seen once you’ve done all the hard work? Well, there’s different answers for every situation.
Internally you’d think it’d be a little easier to get your staff to watch an informative video. But it’s not. There’ll be the usual calls of “I’m to busy”, “I’ll watch it another time”, and “give me the link I’ll take a look over the weekend”. So the key is to make your videos something that your staff will look forward to seeing. This can be done in any number of ways. You can: hire an engaging presenter, use staff on camera (people love to see others they know), use ‘film’ techniques to make the video epic or use comedy to make the information palatable.
The first thing you should do is have a think about all of your distribution channels. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and your website. Then have a look around at other videos and adverts which you like, as well as check out what’s trending.
Then, start searching for similar businesses to your own and see which of their videos are getting the most views, likes and comments. If you can understand from market research what types of videos have the most impact with customers looking to buy from your type of company then you’ll find it easier to get people interested in your product.
It’s then a simple case of putting your videos up on social media (we can help you out with understand when best to release your video for the biggest impact). BUT, there’s more to it than that. You’ll need a strategy around bringing your customers to your video, this can be tricky, but Tasman Bay Media can help you out with that.
TASMAN BAY MEDIA can help you work on a video concept, make it exciting/engaging for the audience and bring your audience to it, just get in contact with Kate today on 027 22 67 118.
That’s all for now, check out more hot tips on the Tasman Bay Media blog.