Being old fashioned will have your viewers making excuses not to watch, clicking over to something more exciting or reaching for the ‘Skip Ads’ button. Keeping up to date and current on trends across social media will keep your audience excited and engaged.
You wont be surprised to find that most of your workers spend a great deal of their time on social media (hopefully not while at work). They’ll be quite used to, and expect, to see similar production trends in their internal videos. Now this doesn’t mean a 10 year girl’s make-up tutorial video should be the inspiration for a welding companies induction video, but, there are generic conventions which can be used for the audience to understand what they’re looking at. By doing this your staff will understand what they’re looking at and know what type of information they’ll be receiving.
Every company wants to feel that their advertising is fresh, modern and on trend. The internet moves so quickly that keeping up is a job in itself, but that’s what we love to do. What will make you stand out from the crowd is taking those trends, improving on them, and increasing the professionalism of the video production. Doing this will WOW your customers and give new life to your business.
TASMAN BAY MEDIA can do the hard work of keeping up to date on all social media trends and help you apply that to your videos in a slick professional manner, give Kate a call today on 027 22 67 118.
That’s all for now, check out more hot tips on the Tasman Bay Media blog.