The best way to take your videos to the next level is to introduce audio to the mix (sad nerd pun intended).
If you’re not sure how important sound is to your video, just pop the TV or YouTube on and turn off the sound. For a few moments it’ll be able to keep your interest, but eventually you’ll be reaching for the remote to turn up the volume.
Yes, some of the best movies are filmed so that if you watch them with no sound you can still follow the story and get the emotions of the narrative, but this accolade is reserved for only the best directors.
So what is include in a sound mix?:
- Dialogue
- A wild track
- Sound effects
- Music
How are they processed?:
- Constantly moving audio levels
- Graphic Equalizers
- Reverb
- Modulators
- And so much more…
Tasman Bay Media can help you create videos the look and sound amazing, just get in contact with Kate today on 027 22 67 118.
That’s all for now, check out more hot tips on the Tasman Bay Media blog.